Ad-MOTO Rider App

Ad|MOTO has more Bikes!

Finally! After weeks of talking about it, we have finally received our delivery of new bikes, batteries and chargers. No more disappointments! Our fleet has been upgraded and our new boxes will be lighter and stronger! We will update on our box delivery over the next week. ALSO – Receive FREE Ride Credits when you […]

National Day of Action!

We understand that some of you may be participating in the National Day of Action. Ad-MOTO was founded on ensuring that riders reap the benefits of reasonable and low cost transport while working hard to earn a living!  

While we support our riders and their efforts for equal pay, we would like to remind you that you must remain professional and obey all traffic, highway code and UK wide laws. 

We as that you carry out your actions in peace and do not take part in any violent behaviours or activities. 

Parking Complaint | Chinatown

We received a complaint from a business in Chinatown. 

We have seen many pictures where riders are blocking the pavement and parking on double yellow lines. The complaint is in Chinatown and Macclesfield street. 

The person who complained has given us one chance, before he goes to the police and Westminister Council. If you get a ticket, you will be responsible. This could be up to £100. 

Please respect the residents in this area and the Highway Code to avoid fines and further complaints. 

Insurance Document Fixed!

Thank you for your patience while we worked to get the insurance document fixed. 

We have tested it and it is now working! 

If you have any questions, please send a message in the chat portal or speak to a member of the Hub team. 

Referral Payments & Credits

Referral credits are no longer valid. We may re-introduce this referral program when we add 50 more bikes, but until then, there will be no more referral fees or credits given. 
The offer for free credits when a rider joined is no longer valid. Riders who join, will now be given 1 free credit (subject to change) and will no longer receive 7 free credits as was the case via promotion in the past.